Expert Witness Services

Expert Witness Services

Dr. Judy has served as an expert witness on over 330 legal cases in the past decade. As an expert witness, Dr. Judy conducts comprehensive neuropsychological and psychodiagnostic forensic evaluations (sometimes referred to as an IME or DME) and provides expert testimony regarding her psychological testing methods, results, and conclusions for both civil and criminal proceedings. She is also sometimes called on to serve as a rebuttal witness to opine on the work of other experts. Dr. Judy often works on 1) personal injury cases (including psychological/emotional injury and traumatic brain injury claims), 2) fitness for duty evaluations, 3) employment/discrimination/wrongful termination cases, 4) sexual assault, harrassment, and other trauma cases, 5) professional licensing disputes, and 6) assessment of competency to testify, risk assessment, and psychological state/functioning at time of criminal offense.

Most commonly, Dr. Judy is called upon to conduct a comprehensive evaluation which includes a review of all pertinent legal, medical and clinical documentation along with a detailed clinical interview (and collateral interview where appropriate) and the administration of psychological, neuropsychological, and/or specialized forensic assessments. At the conclusion of the evaluation, verbal feedback will be provided to the client and a written report will be prepared (if requested) that sets forth Dr. Judy’s opinions. In certain cases, Dr. Judy is also called upon to review the work of other psychology and medical experts in order to render an opinion about the validity of their methods, interpretation, and conclusions. In Dr. Judy’s expert witness work, she is careful to examine the current literature, utilizing the most up-to-date, scientifically validated instruments to evaluate and opine on matters germane to the case. She works closely with the clients retaining her services to ensure that the assessment conducted will address the specific needs for the case.

Dr. Judy Ho is a member of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, the International Neuropsychological Society, Division 40 (Society of Clinical Neuropsychology), Division 41 (American Psychology-Law Society), and the American Psychological Association. She is on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology and an Examination Chair for the American Board of Professional Psychology. For more about Dr. Judy’s experience, see here.

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